Library Cards and Lending
Any person may borrow from the Hortonville Public Library with a valid library account within the Outagamie-Waupaca Library System.
A registration card must be completed by any person who requests a borrower’s card. Each applicant must present current proof of residence (driver’s license, state identification card, current utility or telephone bill, an expired OWLSnet Library card). All addresses will be verified. If an address cannot be verified at the time of application, borrowers must bring in proof of current residence prior to loaning items.
Borrower cards will be valid for one (1) year. Any change or update in information can be made in person at the library. Upon renewal of the account, all borrowing privileges are extended for another year.
Any child or student under the age 18 must have a parent or guardian’s signature on file at the Hortonville Public Library allowing the child to borrow materials. The basic responsibility for children’s’ and young adults’ reading rests with the parents or legal guardians. Library staff cannot act in loco parentis to determine what materials are suitable for each child.
Borrowers are asked to show their card to the library staff when borrowing materials. It is the borrower’s responsibility to notify the library if there is a change in address or if the card is lost or stolen.
All materials checked out to a borrower are the responsibility of the borrower. It is the borrower’s responsibility to handle the library’s materials with care and to report all damages to the library staff. It is also a responsibility of the borrower to return materials to the library and to pay all fines.
Parents and legal guardians will be held responsible for all borrowed items by their minor children.
Loan Periods
- Books/Pamphlets: 4 weeks
- Audiobooks on Disc: 4 weeks
- Magazines: 2 weeks
- Music CDs: 2 weeks
- Videos: 2 weeks
Items in high demand may have a shorter loan period. The library reserves the right to establish loan periods for special collections or materials in a specific format (laptops, etc.).
Interlibrary loan materials will be subject to the rules of the loaning library.
Most library materials may be renewed for three (3) borrowing periods, except for those materials that have a hold on the item. Materials may be renewed in person, by calling the library during operating hours, or using the InfoSoup online catalog.
Reference materials do not circulate.
A total of 150 items may be checked out on a patron card, 25 of which may be A/V items.
Fines and Overdues
The Hortonville Public Library does not charge fines for overdue materials. However, due dates and renewals still apply and are strongly encouraged. As is noted above, items can be renewed up to 3 borrowing periods, except those materials that have a hold on the item.
Should an item be overdue, and not renewed, four weeks or more after the due date, the library user with the item checked out will be responsible for the full cost of replacement of the item. When an item is returned (without damages), the replacement fee is waived and the account remains in good standing.
Library accounts over the amount of $5.00 are no longer considered in good standing, and per Outagamie-Waupaca Library System standards, are unable to be used for checkouts, renewals, computer access, etc. Accounts with fines/fees over the amount of $50.00 will be referred to a collections agency. All costs, including the collections processing fee, will be the responsibility of the library borrower.
Damaged or Lost Materials
If materials are damaged so as to be judged by the library as being unsuitable for the collection, the patron must pay the replacement cost. If library material was lost or stolen while the material was lent to the borrower, the borrower must pay for the cost of said material.
Interlibrary Loan
If you are unable to locate an item in the library’s online catalog, please stop at the circulation desk for assistance. We may be able to loan the item from another library for you. In the case of borrowing materials through interlibrary loan, the rules of the lending library will be followed. However, overdue ILL items will incur $1.00 per day in overdue fines until the item is returned. All overdue costs are the responsibility of the borrower.
Reserves may be placed by patrons either in person, by phone, through the use of the InfoSoup online catalog, or through the InfoSoup app. Patrons will be notified by telephone or email when the materials are available. Text notifications are also available, and directions can be found on InfoSoup. There is no charge to the patron for placing a reserve or for interlibrary loan services.